Water Quality and Microbiological Contamination
of Tabacarie Lake, Constanta City, Romania
Daniela VASILE1*,
Alina Georgiana BROTEA2, Lucica TOFAN3
1 Post
doctorand student Ovidius University Constanta (*corresponding author:
2 Faculty
of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanta (brotea_alina@yahoo.com)
3 Prof.phD Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural
and Agricultural Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanta
Abstract. Urban
lakes play a vital role in the sustainable development of urbanized areas.
Tabacarie lake is an urban lake situated at the northern limit of the Constanta
city, where anthropic impacts had affected the water quality and the microbial
communities. The purpose of your research was to study the water quality and the
bacterial contamination of Tabacarie lake, taking into account that the water
bacterial abundance in the urban lakes is not well understood. So, we tried to
identify possible sources of nutrients and bacteria in the lake. Our results
showed that a possible source of nutrients and bacterial contamination is the
water discharge from the Micro-Reservation channel (Natural Sciences Museum
Complex) that communicates with Tabacarie lake.
lake, nitrates, phosphates, bacterial contamination
DOI https://doi.org/10.56082/annalsarscibio.2023.1.57